Government unveils energy efficiency guidance

Guidance published by the Home Energy Conservation Act has requested local authorities prepare a report on their plans to achieve energy efficiency. The guidance sets out how local authorities can improve the efficiency of their residential housing and request they prepare a report setting out who advances they will make by 31 March 2013.

The report will need to set out what practical steps and cost-effective measures the local authority plans to introduce to reduce energy usage in their area. The guidance suggests partnerships with local organisations such as social housing providers and community organisations may assist with their long-term plans.

Greg Barker, Energy and Climate Change Minister said:

“Local authorities have a vital role to play in improving the energy efficiency of residential homes in their areas, and helping us meet our ambitious energy targets. This new robust guidance will support and encourage all local authorities to realise the significant benefits of upgrading homes. The Green Deal will be a fantastic tool to help with this, and I look forward to hearing how local authorities are using it to enable people to save energy and money.” The Government has continued to describe how local authorities are the key component in recognising the going green needs and ambitions of its area. The report sets out key opportunities and potential partners that may help those local bodies to reach their aims.