Our Daily Mail comment response

August 2014

You may have read an article in the Daily Mail about the wide choice of suppliers that you can choose from for your energy. We were very pleased to be mentioned in the article. However one person posted a very critical comment about our services which we thought should not go unanswered. The person concerned accused us of chasing them for a trivial amount of money (86p) and threatening to “send the boys round”- that’s something we do not do! The truth of the matter is that we were given conflicting information by the customer and a lettings agency, and as a result he was billed slightly higher than he had expected, we amended the bill – to the customer’s reading - and the matter was resolved to the customer’s satisfaction (or so we thought!) within 24 hours. This was 5 months ago and we’d not heard anything more until this week when the person posted his comment to the Mail’s website.

We pride ourselves on delivering a great service to our customers and, apart from the occasional objection or complaint we get and we readily hold up our hands when we are at fault, we believe that our customers are pleased with the service that we provide. We are rated to have one of the very best levels of service in the industry. We are required by Ofgem to publish our complaint rate expressed as complaints per 100,000 customers; ours is the best in the industry at 42per 100,000.